What Makes BXG Different?



  • It’s real business people running real businesses, not consultants or middle ranking professionals
  • It’s not promises of assistance that never materialises
  • It’s not coaching and it’s not “just another networking event”
  • It’s an agenda led, focussed, peer to peer learning opportunity every 5 weeks.


BXG is not hourly rates, it’s not commissions.  It’s just an affordable membership fee ( £175 per month ).  It’s not confusing.  It just takes a little commitment and will be one of the best things you have ever done.  It’s like the Board you could never afford!

Currently operating across the North of England.




0113 288 6898




Specially Negotiated Discounts

The Business Exposure Group has worked hard on behalf of its members to secure special deals on a number of products and services.